Mahalo, Aloha + Namaste

You guys. I have something very exciting to tell you. 

For six months or so, I have been asking the Universe for SOMETHING BIG. I've felt like the top of my head is bruised from constantly hitting my upper limit ceiling. I am ready for a breakthrough, and I've been actively asking for one. I have not been specific with my requests. To be perfectly honest, I haven't really cared what the breakthrough looked like. I just wanted one.

Well, ask and ye shall receive because relatively short story shorter, I AM LEADING A RETREAT IN HAWAI'I IN JANUARY.

Hey, surprises and suspense are not my strong suits.

You guys. Hawai'i. January. Shrink Session. Yoga. The beach. An active volcano. You. Me. And Amanda Trusty.

You can clearly trust us.

Who is that, you may ask? Well, you may be one of the MILLION people who saw her viral video of 'Roar" with a tap-dance-burlesque-body-love twist. (Watch immediatelyHERE.) Maybe you know her from her popular blog, Amanda Trusty Says, or from theHuffPo article or Jezebel story about her. I know her as a friend first, inspiration second (a very close second). Her whole journey began when she said "EFF IT" to her fast-paced NYC life and moved to an oceanside yoga retreat center in Hawai'i to rejuvenate and heal from a lifetime of struggling. This changed everything for her, and girl went from barely surviving to full-time thriving.

She reached out to me about leading a workshop at Kalani, the incredible retreat center that was her first home in Hawai'i. I said yes. So here goes:

Join us for a life-changing six days of shimmying, sweating, and sharing at Kalani Oceanside Retreat in January 2015.

It’s time for you to Restore Your Roar. It’s time to dance your joy, face your fears, and fall in love with the skin you’re in right now.

It’s time. This is re-boot camp. And we are calling all souldiers.

When you arrive on the Big Island of Hawai’i on January 15th, 2015, you’ll be greeted by Amanda, me, pineapples, sunshine, and the spirit of aloha. You’ll find yourself surrounded by magic. Known for some of the cleanest air in the world and lush, colorful jungle that you have to see to believe, the Big Island is known for its healing powers.

What will we be doing for six days in Hawai’i? (Besides picking fresh mangoes and getting a tan?) You can expect daily movement sessions, featuring Shrink Session and other creative, accessible, and empowering forms of movement designed to express your unique sense of self and sensuality. We will spend time in guided writing exercises and journaling as we dig deeper into cultivating self-love, for both what we see in the mirror, and how we feel when we move our perfect-as-they-are bodies. You’ll have plenty of time to release and rejuvenate by relaxing and taking advantage of Kalani’s pools, yoga classes, spa experiences, Hawaiian culture classes, and more.

The only thing we're shrinking are your fears and insecurities. This experience is not about losing weight or a number on a scale. It’s not about looking like Beyoncé when you dance. It’s about looking in the mirror and loving what you see – today. It’s about feeling the freedom to move with joy – in your unique way.

Why is this important to me?

Did you know that I used to hide in the bathroom and cry before nearly every dance class in college? I HATED the way my body moved. I felt so awkward and weird. Sometimes I had four dance classes in one day. That's a lot of crying. That's a lot of shame. That's joyless. Then I stumbled into a class with Shrink Session creator Erin Stutland in November 2009. I honestly don't know why I went. But I did, and, as per usual, I cried again. For once, though, they weren't tears of frustration and defeat. They were tears of freedom. Of excitement that moving my body could feel fun and good. I kept going back for more with Erin and finally was like "I gotta share this shit with people. This. Is. Good." Now, I teach a room full of people what is essentially a dance combination. Even my husband, literally my #1 fan, told me that if five years ago, I told him I was going to teach a cardio dance class, he would have gently steered me into bed because I was clearly losing my mind. I want you in my class, regardless of your level of dance skill or athleticism. I want to hold your hand and lead you, gently and with a few F bombs thrown in for fun, to a place of joyful movement. I want you to allow yourself to be empowered to MOVE.

Are you losing your mind with excitement? WE GET IT. US TOO. Now the nitty gritty:

We want you to experience Hawai’i. We want you to be able to sweat in my classes and dig deep in Amanda's discussions and eat fresh pineapple and try Kona coffee and hike the side of a real, live, active volcano.  Your workshop rate is virtually all-inclusive: it's everything except your flight (and all the Kona coffee you stuff in your suitcase). It includes your six day/five night stay, your three meals a day, your Kona coffee, your fresh fruit grown on Kalani property,  your volcano hike, your classes with me, your discussions with Amanda, and a life-changing week of healing with other women who you will forever remember as your re-boot camp ohana. We are even throwing in a bonus so you can take your experience home with you and continue to cultivate your roar. Every participant will receive membership to the Shrink Session Digital Program,valued at $99.

I encourage you to watch this video, so you can get a taste for the Kalani experience before you even board your plane...and trust me, before this video is even over you will have Kayak open in another tab so you can find a flight.

One last thing before you register. This workshop is about you. It’s about what you need. You’ll be surprised at what the spectacular views, the smell of the ocean, and the power of nature can do for your soul. So you can cater your week at Kalani to your needs. Attend our classes, ask questions, book a massage, take a nature walk, swim naked, and immerse yourself in aloha. I've never been to Hawai'i (I just learned to spell it that way), and I don't even know what exactly the spirit of aloha is, BUT I WANT IT.

Restore Your Roar in 2015. I can’t wait to get the party started.

To register, and for more descriptive details, including accommodations, sample menus, spa services, and more, click here.


The end.

Love love love,