We Can Do It -- viral women's rights music video

"The Mess" by Ryan Scott Oliver

Stand up debut at Great Times with Cory & Kevin

Bryant Park Spelling Bee with Kevin Doyle & Oxford Dictionaries

How 2 B A New Yorker production stills

Listen to "The Pet" from We Love Bedtime Stories, an improvised story podcast for kids, here.

Bank of America for NBC (click image to open video in new window)

World Gold Council with husband Rich Binning

Carpool Karaoke -- 90s Style

Lindsay Lohan in America's Next Top Mess                                 

Storytelling at Great Times with Cory and Kevin

Sidewalk Spelling Bee on the steps of the NYPL with Kevin Doyle, Bryant Park & Oxford Dictionaries

Shrink Session / Fitness 

Chasing the Dream webseries with Ryan Dunkin. All episodes available here.