I used to be hugely insecure in my body and the way it moved. Spending four years in a conservatory renowned for its dance program did nothing for my self-confidence. I was straight-up ashamed of the way my body looked while moving. It is not an exaggeration to say that I was usually the worst person in a dance class. I found no joy in movement and dance, only insecurity and shame. I would be so anxious before class I would cry.
Sometimes I had four dance classes in one day. That's a lot of crying. That's a lot of fear. That's a lot of shame.
I gritted my teeth, made it through with a BFA in Musical Theater, and then entered the hell known as NYC Open Call Auditions. Misery, party of one.
Then I stumbled into a class with Shrink Session creator Erin Stutland in November 2009. I honestly don't know why I went-- I think some little part of me desperately wanted to feel good while moving. As per usual, I cried. For once, though, they weren't tears of frustration and defeat. They were tears of freedom. Of excitement that moving my body could feel fun and good. I kept going back for more with Erin and finally was like "I gotta share this shit with people. This. Is. Good." Now, I teach a combination to a room full of people. I am in Shrink Session videos that thousands of people do in their living rooms. Even my husband, literally my #1 fan, told me that if five years ago, I told him I was going to teach a cardio dance class, he would have gently steered me into bed because I was clearly losing my mind.
I want you in my class, regardless of your level of dance skill or athleticism. I want to hold your hand and lead you, gently and most likely with an F bomb or two tossed in for fun, to a place of joy.
I want you to allow yourself to be empowered to MOVE.
Shrink Session is cardio dance + kickboxing + yoga grooves + spoken mantras. Every class will shrink your self-doubt (and your tush) and expand your belief of what's possible in your life.
You can learn everything you ever want to know about Shrink right here (plus, you can purchase the digital product if you're not in NYC. We can work out "together" in your living room!).
Check the calendar for class times. I want to see YOU, just as you are.
Wanna try it out? Get a free Shrink workout right here.
WARNING: Your skin will glow and your mind will blow. Here's what other people have to say:
“I found tears coming down my face through the conclusion of my first Shrink Session class with Olivia. They were tears of happiness & revelation. The class is the most intense workout I’ve ever had, yet it doesn’t tire me out like other workouts. Instead, it gives me energy and gives me life. I believe it takes a very special person & soul to teach this class. Olivia is a supportive, fun, and fabulous instructor. She is an inspiration and a positive light. I am grateful every day that I allowed & welcomed the beauty & power of Shrink Session into my life!”
“Olivia brings her deepest self to her teaching and gives 100% of her heart and energy. The spirit in the room that she creates is really wonderful, simply because of the true self she brings to the class. When you work out with her, you feel not only your body but your soul guided to a higher place.”
“Olivia’s enthusiasm for teaching radiates from the moment you walk through the door. Not only is it the best workout I’ve ever had but I’ve also gained friendships that support and encourage me both in and outside of class. Where else can you get all of that in 1 hour?”