Holy crap, it is SUMMER! I know you've got margaritas to drink and rooftops to party on and picnics to have and runs to...run, so here goes:
I am teaching ONE super special, super sweaty, super sweet class this month, and I want to see you there! Join me this Wednesday, June 18th at Chelsea Studios (151 W 26th St, $20) from 6:30 - 8 PM for NINETY MINUTES of old-school Olivia Shrink.
What does that mean? It means time to chat with your fellow Shrinkers because this community is not only insanely welcoming, but insanely smart and savvy, and I live for the connections forged between people! It means time for a delicious guided meditation. It means time for journaling and doing some of my fave symbolic little ceremonies. It means meeting Amanda Trusty and talking about RESTORE YOUR ROAR!
Yes! Our Hawaiian Princess Roar Girl herself is back on the East Coast, and she will be in class to meet you, to talk about the PLEASURES that await you at Kalani, and to just have a good ole sweat celebration together.
I am feeling rejuvenated from my mini Shrink-cation, and I can't wait to have a dance party with you!
Let's kick off summer and do it up right.
Mahalo + Aloha,
Olivia xox